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Token Swaps

Swap crypto tokens on Ethereum and Base networks using LI.FI and Uniswap through your Floor Wallet.

Updated over 10 months ago

You can swap crypto on the Ethereum and Base networks via LI.FI and Uniswap, decentralized exchange (DEX) aggregators. Keep in mind, you can only swap tokens that are supported on those networks, and available through LI.FI or Uniswap.

Swapping from Your Homepage

  1. Find the wallet tile on your Homepage

  2. Press the swap button 🔃

  3. In the top dropdown menu, select the token you want to swap from your Floor Wallet and enter the amount

  4. In the bottom dropdown menu, select the token you want to receive. The estimated amount you’ll get will be displayed.

  5. Press Preview Swap to simulate the transaction.

  6. Confirm the details and press Swap.

Swapping from a Token Detail Page

  1. Tap the token you’re interested in to view its detail page.

  2. Press ‘➕ Buy’. Ethereum(ETH) will be the default currency for swaps on Ethereum Mainnet, and Base ETH for swaps on Base.

  3. If desired, change the token you want to swap from and enter the amount.

  4. Press Preview Swap to simulate the transaction.

  5. Confirm the details and press Swap.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully swapped tokens with your Floor Wallet!

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